Anwar’s cell is decrepit, only has a one-inch mattress

SHAH ALAM, 17 Feb: PKR has expressed dissatisfaction regarding the facilities granted to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim at the Sungai Buloh Prison.

The PKR Deputy President, Mohamed Azmin Ali, said that the cell where Anwar is placed in is ‘decrepit’, uncomfortable and has no reading facilities.

“If the Home Affairs Minister can send a letter of support to gangsters, why not provide facilities to Anwar?


“He (Anwar) underwent a major surgery before this, but he was left on the floor with only a one-inch mattress. There is no table or chair for reading,” he said, taken from Malaysia Kini.

Mohamed Azmin expressed his concern over the spinal pain suffered by Anwar.

He said that PKR has sent a request to the prison for Anwar to be given basic facilities.

Yesterday, the prison already explained that Anwar will be treated the same as other prisoners and with no privileges.


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