Rafizi: Rosmah went to Indianapolis to check on the new jet?

SHAH ALAM, 18 Mar: The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, should provide clarification on whether his wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, is in Indianapolis,the United States of America, to personally check on the upgrading of the new personal jet purchased by the Malaysian Government.

The PKR Secretary General, Rafizi Ramli, said that the problem arose because the aircraft owned by the government, the ACJ319 9M-NAA, stopped-over in Indianapolis mysteriously for six days on December 28, 2014, and at the same time, the Malaysian Government bought a new personal jet, the ACJ320 9H-AWK.


He said that according to the travel checks on www.flightradar24.com, the 9M-NAA private jet remained in Indianapolis for six days before its departure to Los Angeles, New York, London, Dubai and the final destination in Bangkok.

“Until now, Najib’s administration refused to reveal who were actually on the 9M-NAA aircraft when he was in Malaysia managing the flood disaster.

“The greater questions is what was so special about Indianapolis that the 9M-NAA aircraft stopped there for 6 days,” he said in a statement.

Rafizi said that based the investigation carried out by National Oversight & Whistleblowers (NOW) concerning the purchase of the new private jet by Najib’s administration, it previously owned company based in Indianapolis.

He said that the hire-purchase agreement for the new private jet was signed on December 1, 2014, and the company announced that it has completed upgrading the personal jet for the use of the Malaysian Head after upgrading works, which started in June 2013.

“Based on this information, it is unreasonable for the existing ACJ319 9M-NAA private jet to stop by Comlux, Indianapolis, for cabin upgrading because the jet had just been upgraded the previous year.

“Hence, the question that lingers is that there is a high possibility that the passenger on the ACJ319 9M-NAA stopped-over in Indianapolis to personally check on the upgrading of the new jet purchased by the Malaysian Government.

“Because Najib had returned to Malaysia at that time, the next question lingering is who was the VVIP who stopped at the Comlux base which is upgrading the new private jet purchased by the Malaysian Government?” said Rafizi, who is also the PKR Vice President.

Rafizi said that Najib’s refusal to confirm who the VVIP was using the ACJ319 9M-NAA aircraft and the purpose of the stop-over in Indianapolis for six days will only amplify the speculation involved.

“Without a transparent answer, such things will continue to cause public outrage,” he added.


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