Education Ministry to explain inconsistent budget

KUALA LUMPUR, NOV 6: Pakatan Rakyat’s Education Committee urges the Education Ministry to explain about the contradiction in the budget between National Education Blueprint (NEB) and development expenditure 2006-2010 of the Education Ministry.

Lembah Pantai MP, Nurul Izzah Anwar said that such contradiction must be clarified because it would determine the success or failure of NEB.

In a press interview at the Parliament lobby today, Nurul Izzah explained that initially the development expenditure from 2006 until 2010 was RM 17.9 billion, but the actual expenditure was RM 8.6 million.

‘It is unfortunate that the figure is inconsistent with RM 19, 771 billion that had been allocated as development expenditure and therefore it must be clarified by the responsible ministry’, she emphasised.

She also expressed her concern over the failure to curb over-spending and other unnecessary expenses incurred.
She added that based on the World Bank Public Expenditure Review 2011, the management expenditure outweighed development expenditure at the rate of 10 percent from 2006 to 20120.

Therefore, she said that NEB had never indicated specific actions to be taken to deal with the issue of lack of spending in the development expenditure and over-spending in the management expenditure.

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