Over 10,000 students to shake KL in opposing the GST

SHAH ALAM, 22 Apr: Over 10,000 students are expected to participate in the Object GST rally which will be held in Kuala Lumpur on May 1.

The President of the University of Malaya Students Association (PMUM), Mohamad Ammar Atan, said that the issue of the goods and services tax (GST) is close to students and he supports the organisation of the rally.


“Our participation in this rally involves various student organisations, especially in the Klang Valley.

“PMUM urges all students to participate in this rally,” he told Selangor Kini today.

He said that of course the GST burdens the people, including students, and several organisations have mobilised roadshows to inform the people about it at every campus.

He said that PMUM is carrying out this initiative to attract more students to the rally.

The Object GST rally will take place in Kuala Lumpur on May 1, and is organised by the ‘Kita Lawan’ Secretariat where they target the participation of a million people from political parties, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), professionals and students.


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