Topple Najib mid-administration

IPOH, 13 Aug: PKR leaders urged the people and all members at the grassroots level to unite to overthrow the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, in the midst of his administration.

The PKR Vice-President, Dr Shaharuddin Badaruddin, said that although the action is deemed undemocratic, it is not uncommon in a country’s administration.


“We must admit that in Malaysian politics, the Prime Minister can be overthrown in the midst of his administration after the election like Tunku Abdul Rahman was overthrown two years later.

“If Tun Abdul Razak had not died, he would have been overthrown in 1977 or 1978, the same goes for Tun Hussein Onn, Tun Mahathir Mohamad and Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

“What’s wrong if we overthrow Najib in the midst of his administration,” he said during the President’s Mandate Tour in Perak at the Kinta Riverfront Hotel yesterday.

He said that the best strategy that can be used is to continue attacking Najib’s administrative leakages and to take advantage of the shakiness of Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN).


Shaharuddin said that the party’s reputation is now at its weakest and never in history has a Prime Minister lost a much popularity as Najib.

“The Prime Minister’s support is only from Umno, not from the people. So the people’s hatred for the party should be taken advantage of.

“Never has a Prime Minister accepted RM2.6 billion in ‘donations’ and it is said to be legal in terms of the law because in 30 years as an educator, even RM10 being entered to a personal account is wrong in terms of good governance,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Batu Member of Parliament, Tian Chua, said that it is critical time for the people to see major changes in the country’s administration as the current system is no longer relevant.

He said that Najib is not only falling in terms of morality, but also bringing down the country’s economy.

“Right now, the Ringgit is too low. I think that when 1USD reached RM4.30, Najib will fall.

“So, take this opportunity because change can take place when we are aware of the situation,” said Tian Chua who is also the PKR Vice President.


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