Red Giants Manager: Do not overdo punishment Nazmi Faiz

SHAH ALAM, 2 June: The manager of the Red Giants, Amirudin Shari, will abide by any penalties that will be imposed on the teams main player, Muhammad Nazmi Faiz Mansor, regarding the spitting incident at the SEA Games in Singapore.

Amirudin said that he hopes that the sentence taken is not excessive, instead everyone should fully support the player to be more positive in the future.


“I do not want to defend Nazmi if it is proven that he intentionally spit. I also do not object to the punishment he receives, but do not overdo it.

“He is still young and everyone should support him to be more positive in the future,” he told Selangor Kini today.

Nazmi Faiz, who is the midfielder of the Harimau Muda team, would most likely be deported for spitting on the player from Timor Leste, Filipe Oliveira, in the first game of Group B on May 30.

The incident at the 31st minute had him sent off the field, this affecting the pace of the squad that had to play with 10 players.


In the match, the under 23 team coached by Datuk Ong Kim Swee only won by 1-0.

Amirudin said that Nazmi Fair is a disciplined player and constantly strives to improve his ability to help the team while playing with the Red Giants this season.

“French player, Zinedine Zidane, also made the mistake of headbutting during the World Cup. At certain moments, players are not able to control emotions and psychological pressure.

“In training, Selangor players are instilled with professional attitude and a high spirit of sportsmanship,” he said.


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