CM guarantees that Selangor will remain strong

SHAH ALAM, 23 June: Selangor has pledged to continue to strengthen the government administration in spite of the crisis that has happened between Pakatan Rakyat (PR) component parties.

The Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, said that the focus is now given to meet the aspirations of the people through the generation of economic growth and social justice.


“Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah has taken note of the explanation that I gave and he wants the state government to remain stable in developing Selangor and carrying out its responsibility to the people,” he said in a statement.

Mohamed Azmin said that he also informed the Sultan about the progress of finalising the Water Services Industry Restructuring Agreement in Selangor.

Mohamed Azmin held a meeting with the Sultan of Selangor to inform him about the affairs in the state before the weekly State Executive Council (MMKN) meeting on June 22.


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