YKT Ramadan assistance to lighten the burden of students

SHAH ALAM, 23 June: The Touch of Love programme organised by Yayasan Kasih Tauhid (YTK) provided good news for needy students from the University of Selangor (UNISEL) when they received packs to break fast during the Ramadan.

Third semester student in Management Administration, Husniza Husna Huhssin, 19, said that the assistance alleviates the her expenditure for studies, which is increasingly burdensome.


“This is the second year I have received packs to break fast from YTK. I am overwhelmed and very thankful for their concern in helping us.

“The food given is delicious with a different menu every day and it provides me the chance to save money because I do not have to spend on food at bazaars,” she said when met by Selangor Kini.

The student from Tanjung Karang is one of 120 students from UNISEL who received packs to break fast in the second series of the programme in conjunction with the 2015 Ramadan.


For the sixth semester student in Photographic Technology, Muhammad Zaen Asyraf, he was clearly delighted when selected to received the aid for the second time.

“The economy today is increasingly bitter and it indirectly affects the price of meals during the fasting month. As a student, this development certainly concerns us.

“With the help of YTK, it helps us plan our expenses a little, and the cost savings can be directed for other study requirements,” he said.

All 120 students involved are from needy families that receive sponsorship from the Selangor Tithe Board (LZS) to continue their studies at UNISEL.


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