Selangor Identifies Senior Citizen Allowance Scam Campaign


SHAH ALAM, 25 Mar: The State Government is advising all residents of Selangor to take precautions on the distribution of senior citizen allowance claim forms which is being distributed by irresponsible parties.

Tourism, Consumer Affairs and Environment Exco, Elizabeth Wong claims that this form has been recently distributed from house-to-house to 100 residents in Sungai Chua, Kajang.

She said the form requires for senior citizens to give their name, identification card number, telephone number, address and signature.

She said that the senior citizens who sign the form is allegedly promised to be given a special allowance of RM1,000 by the State Government.

“This form will then be used for court cases through Messrs Kamarudin & Partners to sue the State Government for failure to fulfil promises contained in the Pakatan Rakyat manifesto.

“The State Government has not issued such forms to give allowance to anyone.

“If anyone is not clear about any assistance given by the State Government, they can obtain information through their Constituency Service Centre,” she said in a press statement after the State Executive Council Meeting at the State Secretariat Building here.

In relation to that, the State Government will file the complaint to the Disciplinary Committee of the National Bar Council.

Previously a group of senior citizens filed a suit against the Selangor PR Government claiming that the state administration did not fulfil their promises in the 12th General Elections (GE-12) to provide Takaful contributions to senior citizens.

However, the Selangor Government denies the allegations and said that they have introduced a bereavement scheme of RM2,000 to beneficiaries of senior citizens since 2008.

A total of RM80 million has been spent on the scheme which has benefited about 37,000 recipients.

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