Nik Aziz: DAP Not Afraid of Islam, Instead Umno Fears Islam


SHAH ALAM, 15 Apr: The acceptance of non-Muslims, especially the Chine community, of Islamic policies championed by PAS to a point that they are no longer afraid of it, is a good development for Malaysia’s political landscape.

This shows that the preaching of ‘Islam For All’ championed by PAS, as a religion from Allah SWT, is only feared by Umno alone but is well received by the people, as is the case in Kelantan.

On this policy, PAS General Musyidul, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat said that DAP can use the PAS party symbol if their registration is cancelled by the Registrar of Societies (ROS) in connection with the selection of the Central Working Committee (CEC).

“Alhamdulillah because Islam is a religion for all, not only for Arabs, now the Chinese community is beginning to not fear Islam. There is no Islamphobia

“Last week, should the DAP be banned by ROS, DAP wanted to use the moon symbol (PSA).

“DAP is not afraid of Islam, instead it is Umno that fears Islam.

Elaborating during the question and answer session of ‘Talking about Love’ (Bicara Cinta), the group of Biddhist Monks in Tumpat, Kelantan provided a good example compared to Umno when they gave a contribution of RM70,000 to the State Government for the construction of the Kota Bahru-Kuala Krai Expressway project.

“During the time of Datuk Husam, there were advertisements of wanting to build an expressway, the Tumpat monks (Buddhist) invited me and gave a contribution.

“The Buddhist monks donated almost RM70,000 to the Kelantan Government. They were confident of the Islam championed by PAS.

“What did the Kelantan Umno do? They brought an old barrow. Umno Kelantan’s brain of hocking the Kelantan Government in building the expressway,” he added.

In addition, he said that in effort to attract voters in Kelantan, Umno-BN wants to display a candidate with the status of ‘ulama’ seeing that the policies they are fighting for is focused on nationalistic politics.

He stressed that if Umno-BN wants to ‘mimic’ PAS policies which highlights religious leaders to be leaders, they should take into account all aspects and not choose certain issues only.

“Kelantan Umno will release a statement in a week or two that they want to choose an ‘ulama’ candidate. They are nationalist; they want to choose an ulama. Why not pick a nationalist (candidate)?

“It is to mimic because the people of Kelantan prefers ulamas, (so they) choose an ulama. Where is there an ulama in nationalist (government)? An Ulama is a person who is an expert on Allah’s religion,” added Nik Aziz.

Held at the Karangkrad Media Group Auditorium, the Kelantan Chief Minister, Nik Abdul Aziz also launched his latest book titled ‘Bicara Ini Demi Ilahi’ (This talk is for Allah) published by Grup Buku Karangkraf.


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