Two More Residents Arrested Regarding the Detention of a Bus with Foreigners in Klang


KLANG, 8 May: Two more residents from Klang were arrested by the police today regarding the incident where two buses believed to be transporting foreigners were detained in Pandamaran during the 13th General Election (GE-13) on May.

The arrest of the two individuals brings the total number arrested so far to 7 people since yesterday, said Klang MP, Charles Santiago.

He received phone calls from residents asking him to intervene regarding the arrests.

He said that the police also plans to detain 150 individuals overall in Klang who were allegedly involved in the incident which took place in front of Pandamaran B Chinese Vernacular School.

“The matter has already been referred to lawyers resulting in the three individuals arrested were released yesterday on bail.

“I have asked the police to stop intimidating members of the public and to use their officers to fight crime and to not arrest innocent individuals.

“Previously, various complaints on crime have been reported but the police took a long while to solve the cases.

“But when it comes to arresting individuals allegedly involved in this incident, the police can do it in less than 24 hours,” he said in a press statement at the Klang DAP Operations Room this morning.

Previously, Charles Santiago who in the current Klang Member of Parliament filed complaints four times to the Election Commission (EC) regarding phantom voters, and the transferring of voters in and out of Klang but has yet to receive any response until the GE-13 ended. Previously, Charles Santiago is now a Member of Parliament Klang had filed a complaint four times to the Election Commission (EC) of phantom voters, voter transfers in and out of Klang but no response until the end of the 13th general election.

In the meantime, Charles also wants the police to explain what happened to the two foreigners who were arrested on suspicion of attempting to vote that day.

He stressed that during the incident, the police were seen to be giving protection to the two individuals who took them with a van.

“We want to know if the police had reported this arrest? Are these individuals caught phantom voters? Do they have valid identification cards of otherwise? And why did the police provide protection to them.

“In this case, the police were seen to protect those blatantly who were in violation of the law and to arrest individuals who were defending the country’s democracy,” he added.

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