Avoid Johor’s Mistake, Selangor Ensures Suraus are not Misused


SHAH ALAM, August 15: The Selangor Government will ensure that the incident where a surau was used by people of other faiths in a resort in Sedili Besar, Johor, is not repeated in this country.

The Exco in charge of Islamic Affairs, Agriculture Modernisation and Rural Development, Sallehen Mukhyi said that the issue could be avoided if the Muslim community prospers suraus and mosques with various religious activities all the time.

“The incident that happened in Johor is likely because the surau was not fully utilised.

“It is recommended for suraus in Selangor to be enlivened by programmes so that it can be properly cared for and not disturbed by any other party,” he said when contacted by TVSelangor today.

Previously, the residents around the fishing village in Sedili Besar, Johor – a state governed by Umno-BN, was in uproar when the premises built in a resort for a surau was contaminated with other religious ceremonies.

Sallehen said that the privately owned surau should be monitored so as to not be abused by other parties which may pollute its purity.

He suggested for suraus in business premises and shopping malls to provide good and comfortable facilities to accommodate worshipers.

“Suraus must be managed properly so that it can be used by worshipers,” he said.

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