Auxiliary Police a Proactive Measure to help Local Authorities Fight Crime


Kampung Tunku Assemblyman, Lau Weng San said that the auxiliary police initiative by the State Government is a proactive step in helping the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) deal with crime in Selangor.

He explained that the auxiliary police is seen as necessary because it has certain powers and equipment, thus making it more effective that security guards.

“Previously, many people hire security guards that cannot carry out their duties well in dealing with criminals who carry heavier weapons,” he said.

He hopes that this initiative will help ease the PDRM’s burdens.

“More police officers should be seen carrying out duties on the streets so that criminals feel more terrified,” he added.

Lau said that members of the Auxiliary Police will be given special introduction lessons from PDRM to prevent abuse of power.

“If abuse of power happens, firm action will be taken against those who violate the law,” he said.

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