Mega Wedding For 112 Happy Couples


SHAH ALAM SEPT 2nd: At least 112 pairs of bride-and-groom in Selangor will be celebrating together in a mega wedding later this year.

Exco of Youth, Sports, Infrastructure and PublicAmenities Dr Ahmad Yunus Hairi said they are targeting two pairs of bride-and-grooms from 56 Selangor State Aassembly to participate in the programme.

“This Mega Wedding ceremony will be held at the end of this year in conjunction with the launching of Selangor Agro Festival (SAF).”

“This is an initiative by the State Government through “The People’s Economy” programme to help ease financial difficulties for young Selangor couples wish to marry to enjoy a happy day while receiving assistance to start a new life as husband-and-wife,” said Yunus Hairi.

The cost of wardrobe outfitting and ceremonies for each pair will be fully funded by the State Government.

Yunus Hairi said his office is asking couples in Selangor who wish to get hitched to register with the state government immediately in order to qualify themselves for the RM500 Marriage Incentive and the Affordable Home Ownership (RMM).

“This registration allows the State to catalogue the number of marriages to be held in the state, and provide assistance with the process of giving incentives to those who qualify.”

“From this data, we will also channel the qualified couple’s informations to the Selangor Housing and Property Board (LPHS) for them benefit from the Affordable Homes scheme (RMM), ” he said when contacted by Selangorkini.

For those who are interested to join this programme, contact Office of Youth Exco, Sports, Infrastructure and Public Utilities, 2nd Floor Building SUK Shah Alam or call directly at 03-5519 4361/5544 7105.

At present, the State Government is still providing the RM200 incentives for the newlyweds but the amount will be soon be increased to RM500.

The increase was promised in the Selangor People’s Coalition in the recent 13th General Election.

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