Suee Lim: Umno-BN Swoops-up 23 Land Lots worth RM20 Million

SHAH ALAM, 20 Nov: The case of land ownership by Umno-BN component parties will be reported to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commision (SPRM) and Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) for misuse of power.

Sekinchan Assemblyman, Ng Suee Lim said that the land involved 23 areas in seven districts throughout Selangor from 1999 to 2008 which were acquired under the Umno-BN administration.

This included component parties and Umno-BN leaders including Umno, MCA, MIC and Gerakan where the aforementioned parties were only charged a premium of RM1 per square meter.

He said that all the areas involved a sum of RM20 million with the size of each lot being from one to seven acres where Umno received 14 areas, MCA (five), MIC (three) and Gerakan (one).

“The elements that exist in this case is misuse of power, how it was approved and why for Umno-BN. We will ask for these matters to be investigated.”

“We will also make a police report as soon as possible,” he said in a press conference at the Annex Hall lobby in conjunction with the Selangor State Assembly sitting today.

Swee Lim claimed that the cases involved Umno leaders from branches in Selayang, Ampang, Subang, Puchong, Tanjong Karang and Sungai Besar.

“All 23 areas of these lands are lands with the highest value, commercial lands.”

“All are used for businesses such as shop houses and commercial buildings. When they acquire this land they will make a joint venture with them (shop lot and building operators) to make a profit,” he further claimed.

“This are amongst the examples and the true face of Umno-BN who are happily attacking (PR Government) here and there when in actual fact, they are the parties that are Swooping-up the Rakyat’s Land.”

“The rakyat is put first. But in the context of Umno, MCA and others, they are prioritised.”

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