Increase recycling, avoid spending much on waste management

PETALING JAYA, 1 Oct: The Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) spent about RM62 million for solid waste management and public cleaning in areas under its purview this year.

The amount involved is 20.7 percent of the total revenue with an estimates waste collection reading 217,000 tonnes.


The Mayor of Petaling Jaya, mohd Azizi Mohd Zain, said that the cost was increased due to the total waste collection that increased by almost 50 percent compared to before.

“On an average, every year, 144,000 tonnes of rubbish is collected and RM44 million was spent by MBPJ from 2011 to 2014.

“The increase this year happened by taking into account that 677,000 residents of the city where MBPJ had to spend RM91.60 per capita per year for solid waste management expenses,” he said.

He said this in the Solid Waste Management and Solid Waste Cleaning Department (JPSPPA) Open Day in conjunction with the JPSPPA’s first anniversary this year.


However, Azizi said that the amount involved may be reduced id the recycling rate of five percent currently can be increased to 22 percent by 2020, as targeted by the country.

He explained that if it is achieved, 37,000 tonnes of waste can be reused as raw materials at landfills.

“At the same time, RM1.11 million for the disposal fee payment can be saved and also the impact of waste on carbon dioxide emissions and thus global warming can be reduced.

“The focus of the council budget next year will be on the 3R effective in the management of solid waste,” he said.


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