Do not point fingers, dengue is everyone’s responsibility

SHAH ALAM, 14 Aug: The Exco for Health, Welfare, Women and Family, Dr Daroyah Alwi, denied that the supplementary budget of RM17 million was given by the state government in the effort to fight against dengue.

She also criticised the statement by the Klang MP, Charles Santiago, following the criticism on the administration of the Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, who allegedly failed to control the dengue problem when 89 deaths were recorded as of July.


“Charles’ allegations are not accurate. Do not just point fingers when we should be helping to eradicate Aedes together.

“It is not just the job of the Health Exco, local authority Exco and the Chief Minister alone, but everyone (community leaders), including the public, should be aware about the dangers of Aedes and the deaths that await if they continue to neglect sanitation,” she said, taken from Sinar Harian.

Dr Daroyah asked Charles to be open and cooperate with the state government in eradicating the breeding of Aedes and to not point fingers and blame the Chief Minister and Exco members.


“Nonsense, my officers have explained twice at the meeting. The budget is from the Ministry of Health to the Selangor Health Department, not the state government.

“However, criticism about council members not knowing state government programmes is in reference to local authorities, not members of the State Executive Council (MMKN),” she said.

She informed recently that the Aedes Breeding Strategy Plan Workshop was held and was also joined by 12 local authorities, the Ministry of Health, the Selangor Health Department and Kelantan.

“The Kelantan Health Department was invited to present the techniques to destroy Aedes because the state managed to lower the high record that was recorded earlier. We asked Kelantan to help Selangor by sharing ideas to eradicate Aedes.

“The findings at the workshop will be a guideline to be practiced next year. However, as the Health Exco, I will continue to find ways to deal with the issue,” he said.


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