Protect the environment, waste management avoids the spread of rat urine

SHAH ALAM, 26 May: The people need to protect the environment and ensure better management of waste to avoid rat urine because it can be fatal.

The Exco for Health, Welfare, Women’s and Family Affairs, Dr Daroyah Alwi, said that incorrect waste management is among the main causes of the spread of the virus.


“The virus is as dangerous as dengue. If a person’s antibodies are not strong, it can be fatal.

“But, the case of rat urine is not as bad as dengue in Selangor. It can still be controlled,” he said, taken from Sinar Harian.

However, in cooperation with the local authorities, she installed special signs especially in resort and picnic areas so that visitors are more cautious.

“This virus is easily spread through the air. Therefore, patients who have just returned from picnic areas are vulnerable,” he said.


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