SPECIAL REPORT: Cultivation of rice 5 times a year, soil fertility being disputed

SHAH ALAM, 15 Apr: The cultivation of rice five times in two years is believed to increase rice production in Selangor, thus strengthening the economy of farmers.

Over 40 years of wallowing in the fields, Fadzlin Taslimin, 67, reminded the relevant parties to provide complete infrastructure.

“We do not want to fail because of inadequate infrastructure which would directly affect the production of rice.


“With guidance and the right way, certainly the aim to increase rice production and the income of farmers will be successful,” said the father of five.

Mohd Maksum Ramli, 52, from Sungai Besar, said that planting twice a year is no longer productive.

“Rather than letting the foil rest longer, is better put to work. The state will obtain the results, also farmers and tenants.

“Even if it is left for some time, rats will grow rampant and there will be less care in the field, land will be abandoned,” said the Selangor Northwest Farmers Group Leader.

Zulkifli Ibrahim, 40, is of the opinion that cultivating five times in two years would be the best move to open good economic opportunities for the local residents,

“For example, if a single mother rents the paddy plot, prior to this it may have been four times a year, but after this, she would receive rental money for five times for the same period.

“Similarly with villagers, perhaps there are more opportunities to work the fields,” he said.

However, Abu Bakar Yahaya, 51, from Sungai Burong, said that he wants planting twice a year to be continued.

“It produces quality paddy with the soil having enough time to rest and enough time to be worked on by farmers,

“If the rest period if short, we will not have time to clear up the land and unsatisfactory results is feared,” he said.


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