Integrity Office to help solve people’s complaints

SHAH ALAM, 22 Apr: The Selangor Integrity Office is able to solve many of the people’s problems, including the waste management and road paving quality issues.

The Exco for Caring Government, Poverty and Estate Workers, Ganabatirau Veraman, said that this is proof that the state government is committed to providing excellent service for the survival of a democratic, prosperous and people-caring administration.

“Although we appoint contractors through open tender and undergo a rigorous process, unfortunately these problems still occur.


“With the Integrity Office, it is believed that the state government can solve many problems, including these two issued,” he told Selangor Kini.

He said that the effort is being taken on principles of openness and transparency to realise an administration that is clean and of integrity.

“This proves that the state government is committed to providing the best service in a transparent manner which is free from corruption.

“We also want to show the people our trustworthy administrative attitude in managing expenses,” he said.

The state government is in the process of establishing the Integrity Office and welcomes proposals by the Hisbah Office Officers (Ombudsman) to function in investigating public complaints.

On April 20, nine departments under the Selangor government’s administration signed the CIP simultaneously.

The move was taken to strengthen and practice the value of integrity in administration in the effort to empower public administration.


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