BN Assemblyman questions allegations that the Federal Government is nearly bankrupt due to 1MDB

SHAH ALAM, 31 Mar: The Selangor Barisan Nasional rejected claims by the Selangor government that the Federal Government is almost ‘bankrupt’ in relation to the additional claims in the restructuring of Selangor’s water industry.

Datuk Mohd Shamsuddin Lias (BN-Sungai Burong) said that allegations that the Federal Government has set additional conditions because they are almost bankrupt due to debts by 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) is inaccurate.


“I asked the Chief Minister for an explanation on why he answered and associated it with 1MDB and they linked it with the GST, which is not related to the water restructuring.

“It is as though the Federal Government has evil intentions,” he said to the media at the SUK Building lobby.

He explained that the claims by the Federal Government which Mohamed Azmin Ali said was in violation of the terms of the agreement signed by both parties was actually explained by the Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA), Datuk Seri Maximus Ongkili, in Parliament.

“The assets at the Bukit Nanas and Semenyih plants are located in the Federal Territory and in Putrajaya.

“This property belong the respective regions. This was their reason. They (the state government) said that both these plants are under the state government because it was previously managed by Syabas but in reality the land belongs to the Federal Territory of KL and Putrajaya because it is non-transferable.

“There are laws under the National Land Code. If it is according to legal experts, under the National Land Code property other than those that can be moved are fixed assets,” said the former DNS Leader of the Opposition.


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