Another Integrated Tahfiz Institute in Bagan Lalang in 2015

SEPANG, 26 Feb: The state government will build another Integrated Tahfiz Institution this year to meet the high demand for these schools.

The Exco for Islamic Affairs, Malay Customs and Heritage, Rural Development and Traditional Villages, Datuk Ahmad Yunus Hairi, said that the school will be built in Bagan Lalang, Sepang, as an addition to the existing Integrated Tahfiz Institution.


“It cannot be denied that the demand from parents is too high. If we look at the results of students from religious primary schools, over 4,000 received Mumtaz (Excellent).

“Existing places are limited, about 3,700. If we just want to place Mumtaz students alone it is not enough.

“The state government is trying to build these types of schools as there are only three so far. The plan for next year is to establish another in the Sepang district of Bagan Lalang,” he told Selangor Kini after celebrating the participants of the Lambaian Kaabah Selangorku at KLIA today.


He said that there are no issues in terms of providing buildings, but there are other factors that are difficult to be fulfilled in a short time.

“Operating costs are too high, for example pure science courses need laboratories, so we require high costs.

“Secondly, academic teachers to teach subjects such as additional mathematics, biology and physics are also an issue for us,” he said.

Prior to this, the Selangor Islamic Religious Department Director, Datuk Haris Kassim, asked the state government to build more Integrated Tahfiz Institutions to meet the high demand of students interested in studying at these schools.

He said that this was following the response from parents to Islamic education that has been very encouraging in recent years.


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