Fertiliser & pesticide contributed by the state government increases rice yield by 2 tonnes

SABAK BERNAM, 17 Feb: The use of pesticides and fertilisers for sustainable agriculture contributed by the state government managed to increase rice production by over two tonnes.

Rice farmer, Mohamad Rauf Mohamad Thani, 53, said that the increased yield was obtained after switching to chemical-free fertilisers, as suggested by the Selangor Agricultural Department.


“The increase after using this material made my rice yield better compared to previously.

“The yield prior to this was three acres of paddy fields from which I received about five tonnes. After using this fertiliser and pesticide, there was an increase of over two tonnes; making it nearly eight tonnes.

“I advise other farmers to use this aid. We have to utilise it well,” he said.


Mohamad Rauf said this during the Selangor Government Paddy Field Management Incentive Presentation Ceremony to the farmers in the district of Sabak Bernam at the Parit 12 Timur JKKK Community Hall yesterday.

Meanwhile, Mohd Suhaimi Hassan, 46, also admitted that he will try to use organic fertilisers for this season.

“Only now will I try after receiving information on the usage of this method to increase my yield. That is why I do not know the results yet, try first before knowing. I think that it will increase like friends who have tried,” he said.


Meanwhile, the Selangor Exco for Agricultural Modernisation and Agro-based Industries, Zaidy Abdul Talib, said that the state government chose organic fertilisers after reviewing testimonies that proved that it provided better yields.

“However, we still need feedback from farmers after using this method for studies on whether there is an increase compared to before using it,” he said.

Prior to that, 650 paddy farmers in Sabak Bernam received donations of pesticides and organic fertilisers contributed by the state government at the event.

The contribution is to encourage paddy farmers to switch to sustainable farming methods that do not use chemicals.


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