Return of RM2.6 million: MBI’s action fair if procedures were violated

SHAH ALAM, 4 Jan: The move by Menteri Besar Incorporated (MBI) in asking the four assistants of the former Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, to return the gratuity payment of RM2.6 million is supported by the public if indeed the payment was not in accordance with the prescribed procedures.

Selangor Kini found that the general public around this city agreed and regard it as a warning to relevant parties that it should be done fairly and not against the law.


Md Yassin Ab Gani, 57, said that all officers who received the compensation should return it to MBI if it is proven that what happened did not comply with the financial procedures and regulations.

“The money should be returned if it was against the law. I believe that MBI has looked into this matter.

“What matters is for relevant parties to cooperate so that the matter can be resolved prudently and fairly,” he said.

Mohd Amiruddin Sarmani, 43, said that if the compensation rightly belongs to them this matter would not have been brought up, but otherwise, the individuals should return the money.


“I support MBI’s move if it is true and the money should be returned immediately, but if it otherwise, then let us not argue about this issue.

“Most importantly, it must comply with the procedures and rules because we have laws,” he said.

This was similarly expressed by A.Krishnan, who supports MBI if the compensation payment was not in accordance with the proper financial procedures.

“Payment must be done correctly because if they are eligible for the compensation, it should be given according to the actual amount.

“What is being disputed is that the amount is relatively high and perhaps the move to ask them to return it is right so that a fair evaluation can be made,” he said.

Yesterday, the Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, said that the state government received the report by MBI that there were some things in violation with the financial rules and regulations regarding the payment, in addition to the contractual terms agreed.

Therefore, Abdul Khalid’s eight assistants have been ordered to return the gratuity payment within 14 days after the receipt of the letter sent by the new management of MBI to them.

The results of the audit report on the compensation payment was presented at the Selangor State Assembly (DNS) on December 3 and found that there were significant errors in the payment formalities and procedures.

It involves excess payments to the former CEO of MBI, Faekah Husin, and the former political secretary Mustapha Mohd Talib.


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