Selcat: No public hearing for investigation of RM2.6 million

SHAH ALAM, 7 Jan: There will not be a public hearing on the investigation on the audit report on the gratuity payment of RM2.6 million to eight assistants of the former Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.

This is because a thorough investigation has been done and the audit report on the case has been tabled during the last Selangor State Assembly session, said the Chairperson of the Select Committee on Competency, Accountability and Transparency (Selcat), Hannah Yeoh.


“The committee members of Selcat believe that there is no need to conduct a public hearing on this matter because a thorough audit has been conducted by the state government.

“The audit report was already presented in the past Selangor State Assembly session,” she said in a statement today.

Selcat will also convene to investigate the implementation of the Freedom of Information Enactment on January 27 and there will be a public hearing on the inquiry.

“Selcat has received complaints that the enactment was not effective in most state government departments. SELCAT takes the issue of public access to information seriously,” she stressed.


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