200 INPENS students help in flood cleaning & wiring

SHAH ALAM, 16 Jan: The Selangor government will send 200 youth and students from the Selangor State Industrial Education College (INPENS) to Kelantan for the cleaning work and repairing electrical wiring in public buildings in the state.

The Exco for the Selangor State Young Generation Development, Sports, Culture and Entrepreneur Development, Amirudin Shari, said that the programme that costs RM70,000 will be carried out this Friday and Saturday.


Among the public facilities focused on are mosques, suraus and community halls.

“For other houses of worship, if there is demand, we will also carry it out, no problem.

“We are arranging the status with the state government and the local authorities in Kelantan.

“We do not know how much we can do but at least it can ease the burden of the Kelantan state government,” Amiruddin said when contacted by Selangor Kini.

Amirudin added that among the focus areas of the team is the district of Tanah Merah.

Amirudin also hopes that such programmes will serve an example to youth movements and government agencies in other states to expedite the recovery process for areas affected by the recent floods.


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