CM: Make religious schools a unique and superior model

SHAH ALAM, 19 Nov: The Science Stream Tahfiz Religious Secondary School (SAM) must be a unique and superior model through the approach of integration between momorisation and excellent mastery in science and technology.

This method must be practices in preparation to create an ulu al-bab generation that can perform the ability to build an Islamic civilisation in present and future times.


The Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, said that commitment from all responsible parties is needed to achieve this pure ambition.

He said that the leadership of Science Stream Tahfiz Religious Secondary Schools should work seriously and persistently in the effort to embrace the Quran in terms of momorising and understanding that needs to be translated in the teaching and learning of science and technology.

He said that the state government, through the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (JAIS) has high regard for the importance of education in effort to make Selangor a state of development.


“All aspects of education, from pre-school, primary and secondary schools, should be emphasised to produce Selangor citizens who are not only smart and knowledgeable, but have commendable character and good morals.

“The state government, in the Budget 2015,, will again ensure that the development we build has a wider scope which will emphasise on the aspects of moral, spirituality and religion,” he said when speaking at the 5th National Science Stream Tahfiz Religious School Convention.

Also present was the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (JAIS) Director, Ahmad Zaharin mohd Saad; the Vice Chancellor of the University of Selangor (UNISEL), Prof D. Haji Anuar Ahmad; the lecturer for the Sultan Idris Educational University Faculty of Social Science, Assoc Prof Dr Habib Maksum and the JAIS Islamic Education Division Assistant Director, Mohamad Amir Danhuri.

Azmin said that the idea of forming the Science Strea Tahfiz SAM is aimed at producing scientist and technocrats who are educated in the Quran by taking the memorising approach as the fundamental part of the curriculum provided.

However, he said that all parties concerned should reflect upon themselves to evaluate the curriculum that is being practices so that it can be a strong foundation in producing a generation of tabi’ science and technology scholars who are competent in their work and the create science and technological products that are of high value for the local and international market.

“The tendency of Muslims of sending their children to Quran memorising institutions should meet the traditional practices of scientist ulamas and technocrats like Ibn Sina who memorised the Quran since he was seven years of age and memorised 5,000 hadith, in additional for being well-known as a physician with the Qanun fi al-Tibb masterpiece.

“In addition, another Islamic leader, Al-Biruni, did not only master the science of comparative religion, but he was great in the science of geometry and astronomy. Also Ibn al-Haitam, a mathematician, and al-Khawarizmi who was known in the study of chemistry,” he said.


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