DNS becomes a world-class legislation assembly with financial autonomy

SHAH ALAM, 25 Nov: The Kampung Tunku Assemblyman, Lau Weng San, suggested for the Selangor State Assembly (DNS) to become a world-class legislation assembly by giving financial autonomy.

He said that with financial autonomy, it will be fully free from the influence of the Executive.

“Financial autonomy does not mean that the DNS is not subject to any monitoring.


“The Assembly Management Committee which was established in 2013 can monitor all expenditures of the State Assembly and ensuring that every cent is spent prudently,” said Weng San during the Selangor Budget 2015 debate at the DNS today.

He said that excessive bureaucracy cripples the efforts by the DNS and the Select Committee under it to play a more important role in monitoring the government.

“The Select Committee requires provisions to conduct courses and visitations.

“Both are important in helping improve knowledge and skills of the select committee members in monitoring the Executive,” he said.

He said that the DNS administration needs to be overhauled where it must be separated from the government administration in line with the principle of power separation.

He said that this has been mentioned during past Assembly sessions through proposals to present the Selangor State Legislative Assembly Service Enactment Bill (SELESA).

“It has not happened until now. It is important for the government to inform the Assembly about the current positions during the winding-up session,” he said.


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