Attorney General should drop all Sedition Act cases

SHAH ALAM, 31 Oct: The Attorney General, Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail, should drop all charges on Sedition Act cases in court following his decision to “free” the President of Perkasa, Datuk Ibrahim Ali.

The PKR Bureau of Law and Human Rights, R.Sivarasa, said that Gani should do the right thing by reviewing the Sedition Act 1948 as the law is a concern for Malaysians and has been greatly criticised by outside countries.


“The Attorney General said that Ibrahim Ali made the ‘burn Bibles’ controversial statement according to ‘context’ and that is why he cannot be charged.

“But Gani Patail did not care about the same ‘context’ when charging the Member of Parliament for Shah Alam, Khalid Samad, on the power of Mais or lawyer N.Surendran on the statement on the Sodomy II case of his client Professor Azmi Sharom with his legal opinion,” he said in a statement today.

The Member of Parliament for Subang said that Gani is still keeping silent about his meeting with 60 Umno leaders on August 14, several days before the Sedition Act was charged, despite being questioned by many.

He also brought up Gani’s promise on September 10 to review the sedition charges after receiving great criticism, but there has not been any action until now.

“In fact, there have been more individuals arrested to be investigated or charged under the archaic act,” he said.


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