Although Azmin is busy with duties as CM, he still does housework – Wife

AMPANG, 20 Oct: The Chief Minister Mohamed Azmin Ali, is not just committed to working as a representative of the people on the outside, but he also works hard in doing work at home.

His wife, Shamsider Taharin, likened Mohamed Azmin as someone who works hard and likes to do and complete his work on his own.


She said that that is Mohamed Azmin’s nature which she likes because Mohamed Azmin is someone who likes tidiness and perfection.

“He is a very hands-on person so much so that I seldom ask him to do housework. He would take the vacuum on his own and clean the house, especially on festive days.

“When he is free at home, he does not only do everything without being asked. That is Azmin” said Shamsidar to Selangor Kini.

When met after the Deepavali contribution presentation ceremony by the Selangor Women’s Welfare and Charity Organisation (PEKAWANIS) at the Dato’ Ahmad Razali Hall here.

Commenting further Shamsidar however does not see Mohamed Azmin’s appointment as the Chief Minister creating a gap in his relationship with his family, especially their children.

She said that when he is free, Mohamed Azmin is smart in finding time, and in fact, their family’s relationship is very close.

“Sometimes Azmin organises meetings for his work at home to be close to the family.

“In fact, in his busyness recently, he has also managed to celebrate his child’s birthday, although not on the supposed date, but his thoughts and time is sufficient.

“He remembers important dates, even with six children. Everyone reminds each other, so how can he not remember,” she said.


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