FOMCA: Water, house, transportation should be given attention

SHAH ALAM, 27 Sept: The Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations (FOMCA) wants the new Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, and the Executive Council (Exco) to give special attention to the water, housing and transportation issues so that consumer rights are protected.

The Vice President, Mohd Yusof Abdul Rahman, said that the people’s affordable housing project should be increased so that more people have the opportunity to own their own homes.


“Public transport must be improved. Free public transport systems, like in Petaling Jaya which was inspired by the former Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, should be expanded.

“It is effective and reduces the burden shouldered by the people,” he told Selangor Kini.

Mohd Yusof said that the water issue is seen as being quite critical as there are dams with low water level readings.

“It should be noted so that the problem of water rationing does not happen again in Selangor.

Similarly, the water restructuring must be beneficial to the people,” he said.


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