The people: Reserves should balance spending, care and increase

SHAH ALAM, 30 Sept: The state reserves which have reached RM3.3 billion should be used as best possible in the interests and welfare of the people.

At the same time, the state government leadership led by the Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, should increase investment to ensure growth in reserves in preparation for the future and other urgent needs.

This was raised in a survey conducted by Selangor Kini involving the people around the city of Shah Alam.

Marketing executive, Shaizal Adzha Sauddin, 40, praised the success of the state led by Pakatan Rakyat which managed to increase state reserves since they took over the administration in 2008.


However, he is of the opinion that the figure is not enough to put Selangor in a comfortable position to face the uncertain current economic cycle.

“For individuals, RM3.3 billion is a big number. But for the needs of the state government for 5.2 million of its people, I think that the reserves is not something to be proud of.

“The state government needs to explore new investment opportunities to increase the reserves. I am not saying that we have to be stingy, but increase the reserves over the next 10 to 15 years and at the same time, spend a little for urgent needs” he said.


The same view was also shared by a private employee, Zaimi Hazry, 39, and he hopes that the state government will strengthen the tourism sector to increase state reserves, in addition to opening up opportunities for the local people.

“The industrial sector, ports, hospitality and education in Selangor are among the forefront compared to other states, but tourism is rather bleak. If tourism is given attention and improved, Selangor will have the complete package to attract money.

“If the reserve is used for tourism, not only will it bring in income, but also in the aspects of environmental hygiene, public toilets, transportation system and related infrastructural development will also be increased. That is the benefit which the people will receive,” he said.


Meanwhile, technician Hadi Hassan, 27, hopes that the state government will use the cash reserves to help ease the burdens of the people during the implementation of the goods and services tax (GST) in April 2015.

“The implementation of the GST will have a significant impact on the people. Particularly in the real estate industry, which I am sure at the time, the increase in house prices will be beyond the reach of the people.

“I hope that the state government is aware of this and will use the state’s reserves to help the people own homes,” he said.


For administrative assistant Mohd Nazir Abdul Latif, 50, the state government should spend a part of the reserve to improve the quality of clean water supply to the people when the water industry returns to the hands of the state government.

“All this while, when we turn on the tap, the water is murky and rusty. Consumers have to take out their own capital to buy water filters and some also buy treated water from RO machines for daily needs.

“So, there is a need for the state government to spend the reserves to ensure that the people receive quality clean water supply because it is a basic need that should not be overlooked by any ruling government,” he said.

Previously, the Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, stressed that the state reserves, which has now reached RM3.3 billion, belongs to the people of the state and should be used for public welfare.

He said that state reserves do not belong to any leader and it is not a figure to be proud of on paper alone.

“Every cent in the Selangor state fund belongs to the people and not to the leaders.

“How I use the funds will not be on paper but translated into programmes that will benefit the people of Selangor,” he said.


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