Visiting graves not just limited to Hari Raya

SHAH ALAM, 31 July: The practice of visiting graves is often an Aidilfitri routine which should be done more often and not just limited to the morning of Hari Raya.

Akmal Auzal, 28, said that the Muslims in this country have grown accustomed to the practice of visiting and cleaning graves only during the festive season.


“I feel that we do not have to wait until the morning of Syawal to visit the cemetery to a point where sometimes we do not know which grave we are visiting.

“So, this habit needs to change and practice visiting graves more often; like three to four times is enough if you cannot do it often.

“However, I am not saying it is wrong to visit on the morning of Syawal. It is good practice but do not just limit it to during Hari Raya,” he told Selangor Kini.

Meanwhile, Ismail Abdul Hamid, 51, said that the practice of visiting graves may bring one closer to Allah and increase piety.


“We should always visit graves, not just to clean the graves of family members but it also allows us to remember the dead.

“When you remember the dead, it will bring us closed to Allah by reminding ourselves that this world is temporary because at any time, we may become residents of a grave.

“Apart from that, we can also pray for those there because it can be a light for them,” said Ismail from Kuala Selangor.


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