CM: Water supply sufficient until Aidilfitri

SHAH ALAM, 3 July: The Selangor State Government continues to guarantee that there will be no water supply interruption, especially during the upcoming Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebration, although the dry weather has hit the country.

The Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, said that the State Government has plans to ensure that treated water can be adequately distributed to consumers.


In fact, he added that a working committee has been established with concessionaires and the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA) after holding meetings twice a day to discuss the water situation in Selangor.

“As I can see there is still rain, there is no need to worry. Sometimes I think that we are just scaring ourselves.

“The matter of whether there is water or not, the State Government has plans to ensure that there is adequate raw water supply and with these efforts, we are able to produce enough treated water to the consumers,” he said during a press conference after the Executive Council meeting yesterday.

However, Abdul Khalid said that some things need monitoring, especially in terms of water distribution, including identifying pipes that prevent consumers from receiving water supply at certain times.

He assured that all disputes that have risen will be solved as soon as possible to prevent consumers from being affected by the situation.

“Problems, in terms of burst pipes and places where the electricity supply is blocked, are among the matters that cause some consumers to not receive water at certain times.

“However, we will monitor and resolve the matter immediately, in terms of operations and provisions. We have done it all,” he added.


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