Kota Damansara PHP Rent Increased During BN’s Time, Not PR

PETALING JAYA, 9 May: The decision to raise the rent of the People’s Housing Project (PHP) in Kota Damansara was made in 2007, during Barisan Nasional’s (BN) reign in Selangor.

The Executive Councillor for Housing, Building Management and Urban Settlers, Iskandar Abdul Samad, said that the State Government only began implementing the decision in November 2008.

He said that the State Government only charged the new hike to those earning RM1,500 and above.


“After the subsidiary company of the Selangor Housing and Property Board (LPHS), Selangor Housing and Property Sdn Bhd (PHSS), took over, we began reviewing the income status of the residents because it is something that changes; it can go up and it can come down.

“After the update process was carried out, we found the pay ladders of some qualified them to be charged the new rent rate of RM250.

“This rate is still lower compared to elsewhere, with some places reaching almost RM600 a month,” he said when met at the housing area in Section 8 today.

Last week, several residents held a peaceful demonstration, which was joined by the Selangor Umno Liaison Chairman, Datuk Seri Noh Omar, and the Assemblywoman for Kota Damansara, Halimanton Saadiah Bohan.


They gathered to protest the new rent hike to RM250 imposed; over twice the mount the previous rate of RM124.

Elaborating on the protest, Iskandar said that he will submit a proposal during the Executive Council meeting to make an exception for the disabled, senior citizens and single mothers.

“We will also consider the number of dependents in each family, for example if their salaries are high, over RM1,500, but they have to support four children, then they may be charged a rent rate of only RM124.

“We will also display all the names of those charged RM124 so that there is transparency and the people can assess if they do indeed qualify for exemption or otherwise,” he said.

The Kota Damansara PHP has 1,152 units and each unit has three bedrooms and one bathroom.

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