14 Short Films by UNISEL Educate the Community to Build Self-Esteem

SHAH ALAM, 21 Apr: The University of Selangor (Unisel) has welcomed the State Government’s call to build a community that has talented human capital.

Recently, 14 short films produced by the students of the Faculty of Arts and Architecture were contested under the theme ‘Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social’ (S.P.I.E.S) in conjunction with the Faculty of Art and Design Exhibition (FAD.EX), organised by the university.


The Executive Council of the Standing Committee on Education, Higher Learning and Human Capital Development of Selangor, Dr Halimah Ali, said that the short films gives a clear message on the importance of the SPIES programme for the community.

“When they have five key elements in their everyday life, they will certainly be capable of being successful human capital and is likened to being dumped into the sea, become an island, dumped on the land, become a mountain,” she said.

She also believes that every student should have a surge of positive emotions in themselves to be more spirited in facing the trials of life.

“Human capital that is born in students is more expensive compared to resource, this is the primary resource of Selangor,” she added.

The film ‘IQRAM’ which emerged the champion in the short film contest highlighted Islamic aspects and values.


The Director of the film, Faiz Zauki, said that the film highlights the reality of community life, which sometimes strays from the true path because of the stress of life and finances.

“Hopefully this film can give a clear message to the community to make their spiritual aspect as a catalyst for life,” he said.

He thanked Unisel for giving them the opportunity to produce the film.

Present at the ceremony was the Vice Chancellor of Unisel, Professor Dr Anuar Ahmad and the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Architecture, Sayuti Chik Tajuddin.

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