CM: People of Kajang Confident with PR’s Administration, Popular Vote Increased

SHAH ALAM, 24 Mar: Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail’s victory in the Kajang State Legislative Assembly (DUN) by-election proves that the people of Selangor are confident with the principle of good governance, accountability and integrity practiced by Pakatan Rakyat (PR) in the state.

The Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, said that PR also managed to increase its popular vote in Kajang to 60 percent in the by-election this time compared to 58 percent in the 13th General Election (GE13) on 5 May last year.

He said despite the decline in the turnout percentage, which decreased to 72.1 percent compared to 88.4 percent in the GE13, it is considered normal in any by-election.


However, Abdul Khalid said that this does not mean that the victory has no significant impact on the people and Selangor.

“This win is even sweeter when PR managed to increase support among Malay voters, and not only reduce the majority of defeat in some voting districts such as Sungai Kantan and Batu 10 Cheras, but also managed to capture two of Umno’s strongholds, Sungai Sekamat and Taman Delima.

“It is more meaningful when initial survey found that the voting channels for youth were almost swept clean by PR in the by-election this time,” he said in a statement today.

Abdul Khalid said that although the results in Kajang does not change the structure and mechanism of administration, but the mandate given by the residents in the area will be made a catalyst for PR to continue to work hard for the welfare of the people.


He said that the victory seems like a blessing given the Selangor Government to continue to be committed to the reformation agenda in administration as well as aspects of socio-economy and politics supported by PR.

“As the N25 Kajang Director of Elections, I would like to thank all election officers from all PR component parties who worked tirelessly to ensure the smooth running of the democratic process and thus victory deserves to be in favour of us,” he said.

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