Selangor PAS never instructed members to collect market fees


SHAH ALAM, 9 MAY: The Selangor PAS never instructed its party members to collect fees from vendors at morning and night markets, as claimed by certain parties.

However, the Selangor PAS Secretary, Mohd Khairuddin Othman, said that the rental fees for night markets are usually collected by the Residents Association where the night market is held.

“For example, the night market at Damansara Damai is held at the residential area of Permai Apartments, the Residents Committee of Permai Apartments collect the rent as the market is within their residential vicinity. “

“Usually, there are individuals from PKR, UMNO, those who are party-less, as well as those from various backgrounds, including PAS members, in the Residents Association.

“Residents Associations collects fees to add to their funds so they can organise community events; not for political parties,” said Khairuddin when contacted by Selangor Kini earlier today.

Khairuddin also said that the Selangor PAS never received any funds received from the collection of rental fees from morning and night markets.

Khairuddin did not dismiss the possibility that the misunderstanding happened because there is Residents Association where the committee members consist mostly of PAS members.

Selangor PAS will call up party members if there is evidence that they are involved in collecting rental fees from night markets under the name of PAS.

“If there is concrete evidence, Selangor PAS will call up the PAS members involved in illegal collection to provide explanation and disciplinary action will probably be taken.”

“The Selangor PAS is confident that PAS party members will not do such things because monetary gains from managing the markets are not worth it for PAS divisions, even more so for the Selangor PAS as there is more important work to be done “ he added.

Touching on the State Government’s decision to oversee the management of morning and night markets, Khairuddin said Selangor PAS will review the management quality of the Local Councils better compared to the management by the Village Development and Security Council (JKKK) and Residents Association Committee. (JKP) previously.

“The main reasons why the JKP and JKKK are involved in managing the markets are so their presence is felt by the residents and to ensure that unwanted influences do not make its way into their vicinity.” he added.

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