Splashing Red Paint, Prove that BN is Desperate in Kajang

SHAH ALAM, 21 Mar: The efforts of certain parties to provoke by instigating that Pakatan Rakyat (PR) component parties have failed because the people are able to think logically about the immoral actions.

The Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Vice President, Tian Chua, said that the move to hack the mobile phones of several PKR leaders and splash paint on signboards show that Barisan Nasional (BN) has no capital to convince Kajang voters to support the party in the Kajang by-election on 23 March.

He said that such actions will not be effective because the voters are smart and know how to judge who the mastermind is behind such negative acts.


“We have yet to receive complaints from voters regarding other provocation, but PR officials and monitors have explained the real situation to them regarding the incident,” he said when contacted by Selangor Kini today.

Tian Chua said that there have extreme actions by unscrupulous parties where they pasted DAP stickers covering a mosque signboard to anger the Malay voters.

“This act does not make sense because DAP has no interest in such actions, especially when they are not the ones competing in the Kajang by-election.


“Such immoral actions have been deliberately done to raise suspicion and to make Malay voters angry with DAP and Pakatan Rakyat,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Chief Coordinator of Jingga 13, on Twitter, said that the move to splash red paint on the BN signboard was also deliberately done by people hired by the party itself.

“It is very evident that the BN signboards splashed with paint were done by people hired by BN. This is cheap propaganda work,” he said on Twitter.

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