Malaysia Should Emulate Thailand and Japan’s Method of Flood Management

KUALA LUMPUR, 7 Dec: Malaysia should emulate Thailand and Japan in flood management and victim relocation, said that Keadilan Youth (AMK) Chief, Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin.

“The federal government and the State Security Council need to be fully prepared for this disaster because it has happened over the years.


“The billions of ringgit in allocation spent on people to face this problem is useless if there is no effective coordination and management,” he said, quoted from Keadilan Daily yesterday.

The Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim, previously said that the flood management system in Malaysia is among the best in the world, in comparison with the United States.

“But instead, when flooding occurs in our country, not only does help come slowly, but victims are relocated to centres which are also flooded.


“Is it because Kuantan and Idera Mahkota are under Pakatan Rakyat, so help is extended slower?” he asked.

Earlier, Shamsul launched a special AMK squad consisting of 50 members for an aid mission to help flood victims in Kuantan and east-coast states.

The AMK special squad has also readied four boats as well as the help of a 10 tonne lorry carrying food and basic necessities.

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