7,000 Enlivened the Selangor Level Maulidur Rasul Celebration

SHAH ALAM, 14 Jan: The Selangor level Maulidur Rasul (Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday) year 1435 Hijrah/2014 Celebration, themed “Wasatiyyah Tonggak Kesatuan Ummah” (Moderation the Pillar of Muslim Unity), was celebrated at the Malawati Stadium in Section 13 with the presence of over 7,000 people from across the state.

The Celebration, which was inaugurated by DYMM the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, began with a Maulidur Rasul procession from the Shah Alam Mini Stadium, led by the Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, and was escorted by 125 contingents.


Also seen participating in the 1.6 kilometre procession was the State Secretary, Datuk Mohammad Khusrin Muniwi, the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) Director, Ahmad Zaharin Mohd Saad, the Chairman f the Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais), Datuk Mohd Adzib Mohd Isa, the Selangor Mufti, Datuk Mohd Tamyes Abdul Wahid and State Executive Councillors.


A total of 125 contingents, consisting of 5,864 participants, of which was the government contingent, the statutory bodies and private sector contingent, the non-governmental organisation contingent, the contingent of institutes of higher learning (IPT) and school contingents.

Guests were presented with the recitation of verses from the Quran and a special Maulidur performance from invited singers such as hafiz Hamidun and the Hijjaz group.

The Sultan then consented to deliver the Maulidur Rasul Special Award to the families of two soldiers who were killed in Lahad Datu; the late Sergeant Sabaruddin Daud and the late Corporal Mohd Azrul Tukiran.


Meanwhile, three other awards; the Umar Abdul Aziz Award was given to Datuk Dr Yahya Baba; the Saidatina Khadijah Award was given to Dr Salasiah Hanin Hamjah and the Saidina Ali Award was given to the late Ahmad Ammar Ahmad Azam.

The award recipients each received a cash prize from the state government and the Selangor Zakat Board (LZS), a certificate of appreciation, a trophy and a set of clothing.

Meanwhile, the competition for marching for the best banner category was won by the Hulu Selangor Islamic Religious Office (government departments), the Pandan Jaya Secondary School (school), the Malay Customs and Heritage Cooperation (statutory bodies/private) and the Kampung Lindungan Al Islamiah Mosque (mosque/IPT).

The best marching competition was won by the Malaysian Prisons Department (government departments), SMK Dusun Nanding for the school category, Padat for the statutory or private bodies and the Al-Amim Mosque for the mosque and IPT category.

At the same event, the State Government, together with Jais, also launched the Dakwah Month which is celebrated every year to encourage the Muslim community to appreciate their duties and roles as true followers.

Among the programmes planned was the Dakwah Tour, Caring Visitation, Relaxing with Celebrities, Semai Taqwa, Dakwa Mesra Ummah and so on.

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