Najib Should Immediately Arrange a National Consensus Dialogue

SHAH ALAM, 1 Feb: The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, has been urged to immediately organise a dialogue between Pakatan Rakyat (PR) and Barisan Nasional (BN) to enable the National Consensus blueprint to be implemented.

The National DAP Vice-Chairperson, Teresa Kok, said that the effort is seen as vital for dousing the racial and religious tensions, which is seen as becoming worse lately.


She also said that it is the Federal Government’s utmost and urgent responsibility to ease the situation, which has happened till today that has been ignored by the authorities.

“We believe that this is racial and religious extremist acts by irresponsible parties, like what is happening in Penang.

“With all these incidents, the Federal Government cannot postpone resolving these tensions, and it should be done as soon as possible,” she said in a statement.

Last Wednesday, Najib reportedly gave a positive response to PR’s call and said that the Federal Government is open to holding talks with all parties to promote national reconciliation.

At the same Time, Teresa, who is also the Member of Parliament for Seputeh, denounced the attitude of the Umno Youth Chief, Khairy Jamaluddin, who is still seen preferring to play politics amid rising racial and religious tensions in the country.

“Khairy claimed that the racial tension started because of Pakatan Rakyat’s failure in handing the ‘Allah’ issue in Selangor and that it is an irresponsible statement of blaming the Selangor Government.

“It is disappointing that he cannot rise above party politics at a time when bi partisan cooperation is needed in the nation’s interest,” she said.


Prior to this, the Opposition Leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, called for a dialogue to be held to discuss the issue of racial and religious unity, governance, transparency and accountability in order to achieve National Consensus.

Anwar also suggested that other important issues, such as endemic corruption, the safety of the people and the rising cost of living, should be discussed across partisan boundaries.

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