Father of MH370 Passenger Takes Legal Action Against MAS, Boeing

SHAH ALAM, 26 Mar: Malaysian Airlines (MAS) and aircraft manufacturer, Boeing Co, could face legal action after the father of Firman Chandra Siregar, who was also a passenger of the MH370 aircraft, filed a petition to obtain evidence material for the case.

This was reported by REUTERS after the firm representing Januari Siregar made a statement on the actions that will be taken against the two companies.


Attorney, Monica Kelly, said that the filing of the petition is the beginning of a multimillion-dollar litigation process by Firman’s family against MAS and Boeing.

“We believe that the two defendants’ names were responsible for the disaster involving MH370,” she said.

The petition filed at the Illinois Circuit Court in Cook County is also intended to acquire evidence of any defects in design or manufacturing, which could have possibly led to the disaster.


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