CM: Water MOU is Not a Secret, the People Can Review the Document

SHAH ALAM, 22 Apr: The Selangor Government has never hidden any facts contained in the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) of the Water Restructuring as claimed by certain parties.

This is evident when the Chief Minister’s Office, in the Selangor State Assembly (DNS) session recently, held a limited public disclosure of the MoU to any party to review the document.


The Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, said that the move was taken in line with the State Government’s freedom of information policy.

“It is alright if not many saw it because the chamber is open to interested parties.

“We will continue the policy of transparency and freedom of information by disseminating as much information as possible to the people,” said Abdul Khalid after chairing the Selangor Executive Councillors Meeting at the State Government Secretary’s Building (SUK) today.

The public disclosure was opened since April 7, the first day of the DNS session, until the last day of the DNS session on April 18.

Previously, there were allegations that the State Government refused to share information on the contents of the MoU signed by Abdul Khalid and the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water, Datuk Seri Maximus Ongkili.

However, when the Chief Minister’s Office held a limited public disclosure of the document classified under the Official Secrets Act at the DNS session, Selangor Kini found that only 12 people took advantage of it.

Selangor Kini found that 11 media practitioners and legal practitioners were there, with not even one political leader taking the opportunity to examine the MoU.

The limited public disclosure is open to all interested parties, with a few simple conditions.

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