Mine Water Safe, People Need Not be Alarmed

SEKINCHAN, 27 Apr: The people need not be angry with the State Government’s effort of using mine water as an additional source in addressing the Selangor dam situation of water shortage.

The Assemblyman for Sekinchan, Ng Suee Lim, said that the efforts undertaken by the State Government are to improve the water capacity in dams through the Horas project and taking groundwater to help with the water shortage due to the dry and hot weather.


“Selangor has many mines, but we have taken the water and tests have been done on it by the Selangor Water Management Authority (LUAS) and relevant departments.

“We assure the safety of all water consumers in Selangor and then, only, we pump it into Sungai Selangor and distribute it to treatment plants for the treatment process before being channeled to consumers,” said Suee Lim.

He said this when met by reporters after the Selangor Children’s Heritage Fund (TAWAS) account statement presentation at Dewan Seri Sekinchan.

About 250 people received statements passed from TAWAS for the Sekinchan and Sungai Panjang constituencies.

Suee Lim said that through a variety of ways to increase the water capacity, it is hoped that the water rationing will end in the near future.

He said that the current shortage of water is not due to the delay of the Langat 2 project, as alleged by some.

“The Langat 2 issue has nothing to do with the water rationing and it takes up to five years to complete,” he said.

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