PR Women join to ensure Dyana’s victory in Teluk Intan by-election

TELUK INTAN, 20 May: DAP’s decision to place a female candidate for the Teluk Intan parliamentary seat by-election is welcomed by PAS’ Dewan Muslimat (Women’s Wing).

The Chief of Central PAS’ Dewan Muslimat, Siti Zailah Mohd Yusof, said choosing Dyana is a tribute to young women, in particular, to represent the voice of the people in Teluk Intan.


“We from Dewan Muslimat congratulate Dyana’s selection as a candidate to represent Pakatan Rakyat (PR).

“Dyana’s nomination is a very high recognition given by DAP to women, especially young people, to fight for the people’s voices together,” she said, quoted from Harakah Daily.

She said that PAS will join with Wanita PKR and DAP to ensure victory for DAP on May 31.

“We will ensure victory for women candidates. We, the women of PR, will join to coordinate the workings of the campaign this time.

“Dyana has a professional attitude and the ability to bring the voice of the people and will be the hope of the next generation of leadership,” she said.


The Member of Parliament for Rantau Panjang is also of the opinion the differences in political experience is not a major problem for Dyana.

“From her background and perseverance of her mother, who has long been involved in politics, I am certain that Dyana will be a competent female leader and bring the voices of the people of Teluk Intan.

“Despite being young, she is mature in her thoughts. In fact her attitude and firmness in principle is very impressive to us. She is not like some other young people who are easily influenced by rewards and we are willing to join DAP to fight for the people,” she said.

Zailah said that the opportunity given should be a guide to the young people of the country to continue with PR to defend the next generation.

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