Anwar: Strengthen Pakatan, topple BN

SUBANG JAYA, 28 Oct: The PKR de facto leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, wants the unity in Pakatan Rakyat (PR) to be strengthened even though he might be jailed.

He explained, while ending his speech last night, that PR unity is important for the success of the mission to topple the Barisan Nasional (BN).


“If this is really my last speech, lawan tetap lawan (keep fighting the fight). Friends, strengthen PKR, strengthen DAP, strengthen PAS.

“Cooperation in Pakatan Rakyat (PR) is important and secondly, ensure that the people are served. This is my trust to you all,” he said in front of about 2,000 attendees at the 3K Stadium last night.

Anwar’s speech at the 3K Stadium may be his last speech if the Federal Court convicts him of being guilty in the Sodomy II case involving his former aid Saiful Bukhari Azlan.

Previously, in the Kuala Lumpur High Court trial, Anwar was found not guilty for the same charges.

However, the Court of Appeal decided that Anwar was guilty after the prosecution filed their appeal.

The decision was seen as being done in a hurry when Anwar was announced as the candidate for the Kajang by-election to allow Anwar to take the post as Chief Minister of Selangor.

Anwar and his defense team then filed this case to the Federal Court; the highest and last stage in Malaysia’s legal system.


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