Livestock & agro-based industry projects in housing areas to use modern technology

KLANG, 28 Oct: The state government plans to establish livestock and agro-based industries in housing areas using modern technology based on recommendations by the Selangor Veterinary Department.

The Exco for Infrastructure, Public Amenities, Agricultural Modernisation and Agro-Based Industries, Zaidy Abdul Talib said that most developed countries use technology to rear animals such as chicken and ducks without causing smell and disturbing the rest of the community.


“We will look into this further so that rearing can be done at housing areas with advanced technology.

“Developed countries already have modern technologies like providing air-conditioned areas for animal rearing,” he said.

He said this at the opening of the Selangor Veterinary Carnival at the Meru Multipurpose Hall today.

Zaidy said that the state government is now in the process of researching to increase agricultural and livestock areas in Selangor as a move to expand the industry.

He said that regulation for the industry needs to be given attention as it is the country’s source of food.

So far, the livestock industry, particularly cattle and goats, show a serious decrease in 2013 compared to 2009.

“There has to be regulation to maintain livestock because it is the source of food for the whole country,” he said.


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