Datum Jelatek: Old story brought up

The Datum Jelatek issue has been much debated recently due to some points raised by the Datum Jelatak Task Force (BBDJ) even though many explanations have been given. A journalist from Selangor Kini, NAZLI IBRAHIM, interviewed the Acting General Manager cum Chairman of Datumcorp International, Azlan Md Alifiah. Also present was the Chief Planner of Datum Jelatek Corporation International, Ahmad Zaidee Leham.

Before the project was told to the public, did PKNS conduct an impact study in terms of economic impact and so on. If yes, what is the conclusion of the study?

PKNS conducted a study for the Datum Jelatek project. The Planning Permission (PP) was obtained from the Ampang Jaya Municipal Council (MPAJ) on November 11, 2011. The PP decision contains the approval of the Local Economic Impact study, the Social Impact and Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) for the surrounding area.


In conclusion, not only would the project not result in negative consequences, but it would increase the property value and local economy, thus improving the social lifestyle of urban Malays with controlled traffic congestion because there will be a transit that is integrated directly with the project.

PKNS allegedly issued a notice misleading the residents to a point where they assume that the affordable shop lots will not reflect the actual project. Comments?

PKNS took back the Keramat City Centre to be developed into a development area with high economic value.

PKNS paid a compensation of RM250,000 to RM350,000 for the housing units involved. For shophouse units, the compensation paid was RM450,000 to RM500,000, according to the size of the unit.


So there is no issue of handing back property ownership because all residents involved agreed to take the compensation, except for a few. The matter has been settled by the court.

PKNS will provide affordable shop lots with an area of 40,000 square feet or 200 affordable retail spaces with priority given to the youth at Taman Keramat to own them.

About the 200 units of affordable retail space, is it already owned or still open to purchase?

It is still open. We have not started sales. We have only accepted registration from prospective buyers. Data shows that 1,097 potential Bumiputera buyers are interested in buying the houses or shop lots. We welcome them.


Is it true that a signboard in Chinese was put up in early 2013 that had different contents with the early notice, causing many to question the motive of the project?

Datum Jelatek is an old issue. At the time PKNS appointed Wiramas Sdn Bhd or marketing. After that, all matters were completely taken over by Datumcorp International Sdn Bhd (DCI), a wholly owned subsidiary company of PKNS; all agreements with Wiramas were cancelled. This is because they had violated the terms and conditions of the contract.

That old story is not relevant. I repeat, Datumcorp, a subsidiary that is 100 percent wholly owned by PKNS is the developer who will ensure that all purchases and sales of units will be done by Datumcorp International, not Wiramas.

BBDJ claimed that the project is part of the ‘Malaysia My Second Home’ programme with the ‘Chinese Mainstream Districts’ concept for foreign investors from China or Singapore. Is this true?


Not true at all. Not one unit has been sold to foreign nationals. In fact, the Datum Jelatek project received tremendous response, especially from the Bumiputera community. A total of 1,097 Bumiputeras registered and 20 percent are residents of Keramat themselves.

So, is the Chinese Mainstream Districts concept related to Wiramas?

I think that it might be related because it could have been the marketing strategy by Wiramas. This issue has ended. We have already terminated their contract.

According to BBDJ, the price per unit is very high and cannot be afforded by the original inhabitants of Taman Datuk Keramat. Comments?

High rise projects are high in price. The prices are between RM500,000 to RM2 million, but we are offering it at RM1,000 per square foot compared with the market price – RM1,4000 or RM1,500 psf. It is reasonable for a high rise residence.

The development will provide returns to PKNS to be used to build affordable homes. We estimate that from the profit between 3,000 to 5,000 affordable housing units can be built.

PKNS has to grant to build affordable homes. PKNS would bear losses for giving subsidies to build affordable homes. PKNS can only do it when there are gains from other projects.

We are hoping for profit to cover the cost of subsidising affordable homes through the Datum Jelatek project. We will carry out high-cost housing projects here while affordable home can be built elsewhere.

BBDJ claimed that they invited PKNS to a briefing with the residents but it was rejected on grounds that a meeting had been held at the Al-Ansar Mosque, but they claim that this never happened. Comments?

The briefing to residents was indeed carried out on March 31, 2013, at the Al-Ansar Square. It was called ‘An Evening With Leaders’ organised by the Zone 7 JKP, Taman Keramat, and personally delivered by the Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, and attended by PKNS officers and local residents. We have proof.

(Ahmad Zaidee interrupted to state that PKNS has several pictures, including Mohamed Azmin speaking in front of almost 400 residents).

So, there was a meeting but BBDJ denies this. Comments?

Perhaps BBDJ was not present on that day. The programme was held. We also held a programme in November last year and many more from time to time. In fact, we also invited residents to the office. More than 100 residents came and we showed the mock-up of the project. They accepted it and many of them, or their children, registered as potential buyers.

BBDJ wants to use the Selangor State Freedom of Information Act to obtain information about the project. Comments?

That is their right under the Selangor State Freedom of Information Act. PKNS has nothing to hide behind the Datum Jelatek project. Everything is clear and transparent.

BBDJ also wants to apply for a Selcat public hearing from the Speaker of the Selangor State Assembly (DNS), and they also want to report it to the MACC. Comments?

We will not prevent anyone from applying for a public hearing. It lies with the DNS. If they want to report it to the MACC, we also have no objections. It is up to BBDJ.


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