Fake Selangor Kini edition, investigating the mole

SHAH ALAM, 29 NOV : Communication Corporation Sdn Bhd (CCSB) vehemently condemns the publication of fake copies of Selangor Kini which was widely distributed at the Keadilan National Congress 2015 in IDCC today.

Chief Editor, Cecelia Alphonsus said that the publication of the eight-paged fake edition of Selangor Kini had elements of betrayal, sabotage and excessive defamatory content.

fake selangorkiniA police report was made at the Shah Alam district headquarters at 5.30pm earlier this evening.

“I urge PDRM (Polis Diraja Malaysia) to carry out a quick and full investigation on the matter,”she said.

The fake publication was first spotted at the Congress before the secretariat stepped in to stop its distribution to the public.

The counterfeit edition used the cover and back pages of a past edition of Selangor Kini that was published during the third week of November.

However, the content of the fake publication was malicious and criticized Dato’ Menteri Besar, Mohamed Azmin Ali as well as the administrative policies of the Selangor State Government.

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